My sister, Kathy, was learning to read from the Dick and Jane books the year
I was born. My mother asked her what they should name her new sister and she
said, "Sally Susan". Sally from baby Sally in the reader and Susan after her
favorite doll.
Sally Susan was a bit much. They decided to call me Sally and reason and
propriety over-ruled my sister's wishes. The nurse in the maternity hospital
where I was born told my mother she couldn't name me Sally because it wasn't
a proper name. She had to name me Sara instead. Thank you, thank you to that
long ago nurse. I loved being called Sally growing up, but it sure was nice
to have a grown-up name to grow into later on. They added
Christine as a middle name because it sounded good and I ended up with what
I consider to be a really nice name, Sara Christine Schurr.