The Garden at Winterhaven Devas, Nature Spirits, Fairies Oh My


There were strawberries in a raised bed when we arrived in 1987. They were ever-bearing and did a nice job for a few years as they took over the whole bed.

Then I bought ever-bearers and filled a bed in the main garden with them. They consistently produced enough fruit so that I had a freezer-full at the end of the summer to make jam with.

After a while the sorrel wound its way through the runners and it got harder and harder to weed the bed. So I pulled everything out and replanted with yet another round of ever-bearers.

At this point, yields have dropped and it's time to replace those with a new batch. I'm just not good about thinning out the babies but I have found that the runners don't produce as well as the original fruit.

The real problem for me with strawberries is that the slugs, sow bugs and deer all love them. If we have a summer when the deer come through regularly they will eat all the leaves and flowers at regular intervals so we never get any fruit!

Alpine Strawberries

Years ago I grew some Alpine Strawberries from seed. The original plants have mostly died but the birds have spread their progeny around the garden. They are a delightful treat for those of us who enjoy eating one or two when foraging in the garden.

They have a sweet perfumey taste if you wait until they fall off into your fingers with you try to pick them. You have to be patient because if you eat them too soon they are a little sour.

I especially like them in the landscape because they don't produce runners and yet have a nice plant form and pretty little white flowers.