The Garden at Winterhaven Devas, Nature Spirits, Fairies Oh My

Late winter

We had a colder than usual December and January in 2009 so the snow crocuses that are usually in bloom the last week in January didn't arrive until early February.

Snow Crocuses 

Twenty five years ago I planted snow crocuses in the section of our lawn that gets the most sun. I kept adding to them for a few years and while most of those have died out very slowly, they left their children self seeded all over the garden. Most of the children have reverted to type and are either lavender or dark purple.

Purple snow crocus cluster

By February my winter-blooming hardy cyclamen had burst into bloom all over the yard. They all started from one plant on the kitchen side of the house and have now self seeded down the edge of our gravel driveway into the area across it and even all the way on the other end of the property out by the compost piles! Clearly the birds are doing their job.

Cyclamen coum in grass
Cyclamen coum

This clump showed up in the grass outside our dining room window with just 2 flowers a few years ago. It's steadily gotten bigger until it's this great champion. You can see that it's a shady area because there's a lot of moss in the lawn.

Cyclamen coum

This clump is growing across the driveway in mulch. It only had a few flowers when I planted it 2 years ago. Clearly it's happy here and spreading rapidly.

The filbert trees come into bloom in February too. They look as if someone has come and hung tassels all over them.

Filber Flowers  Filbert Flowers

For those of you not familiar with them Filberts are very close relatives to Hazelnuts.

Early Spring

By early March the standard crocuses are in bloom too.

Purple striped crocus  Cluster of standard crocuses

And the little jonquils are just starting to open.


By late March the Grape Hyacinths are in bloom.

Grape Hyacinth

The Tete a tetes are in full bloom by now.

Tete a Tete jonquils

And the windflowers that have self seeded here and there are blooming too. These started out in pink, white and blue but only the blue ones remain.



The fruit trees are always in bloom by April. Some years the Asian Pears are very early (as early as February) but usually they bloom in April.

Yukuma Asian Pear Shinsui Asian Pear
Yukuma Asian Pear blossom Shinsui Asian Pear blossoms

The European Pears are supposed to bloom at the same time as the Asian Pears but they usually don't start to bloom until a week or two later.

Bartlett Pear Bosc Pear
Bartlett Pear Flowers Bosc Pear

The Italian plums can bloom as early as late February but they're usually in late March or early April before the cherries.

Italian Plum blossom

Some years the cherries bloom in March other years it's April.

cherry blossoms

The apples start to bloom in late April.

Apple buds

The blueberries usually bloom in April too.

Blueberry flowers

Meanwhile there are LOTS of flowers in bloom too.

Rose Glow Barberry
(Berberis thunbergii Rose Glow)
Barberry Rose Glow (Berberris thunbergii Rose Glow) Berginia
Bleeding Heart Creeping Veronica
Bleeding Heart Creeping Veronica
English Daisies Epimedium
English Daisies Epimedium
Erythronium Kinnikinnick
Erythronium Avalanche Kinnikinnick flowers
Lathyrus vernus Double Primrose
Lathyrus vernus blossoms Pink double primrose flower
Single Primrose Lem's Cameo Rhododendron
Pink standard primrose Lem's Cameo Rhododendron
Elizabeth Rhododendron Sweet Cicely
Elizabeth Rhododendron Sweet Cicely
Trillium grandiflorum Pink Species Tulip
Trillium grandiflorum Pink species tulip
Red bouquet tulip Naturalized violets
Red bunch tulip violets

Late Spring

By May the apples are always in full bloom.

Apple blossoms

There are flowers galore by this point too.

Purple Aquilegia Pink Dwarf Aquilegia
Aqueligia Pink Aquilegia
Purple and White Aquilegia Fuchsia Azalea
Purple and White Aqueligia Azalea
White Bleeding Heart Korean Dwarf Lilac
White bleeding heart Korean Dwarf Lilac
Lily of the Valley Rhododendron Bowbells
Lily of the Valley Rhododedron Bowbells
Rhododendron Crest Lavender rhododendron
Rhododendron Crest Lavendar Rhodedron
Scilla Star Creeper
Scilla Star Creeper
Star of Bethlehem Sweet Woodruff
Star of Bethlehem Sweet Woodruff


My collection of late spring perennials are always in bloom by June. Some years they start in late May but by June they are in full riot. Add to that the late rhododendrons and there's a whole lot of blooming going on.

Peach Oriental Poppy Siberian Iris
Peach Oriental Poppy Siberian Iris
Clematis Chives
Clematis Chives flowers
Dutch Iris Pink Peony
Dutch Iris Pink Peony
Dark Pink Peony Pink Rhododendron
Dark Pink Peony Light Pink Rhododedron
Foxglove Lambs Ears
Foxglove  Lambs Ears
Old Fashioned Red Rhododendron Rootstock Rhododendron
Old fashioned red rhododedron Rootstock Rhododedron
Sugar Pink Rhododendron Old fashioned purple rhododendron
Sugar Pink Rhododedron Old fashioned purple rhododedron
Old Fashioned Pink Rhododendron Delphinium
Old fashioned dark pink rhododedron Delphiniums
Wild Sweet Pea (Lathyrus latifolius) Pinks and creeping thyme
Lathyrus latifolium Wild Sweet Pea  Pinks and creeping thyme
Purple Peony Poppy Hardy Water Lily
Purple Peony Poppy Hardy Water Lily
(Areneria montana Avalanche)
Hybrid Anemone
Sandwort (Arneria montana Avalanche) Hybrid Anemone with bee

Late June and July

Yellow Allium Coral Bells
Yellow Allilum Coral Bells
Nodding Onion
(Allium cernuum)
Elfin thyme
Allium cernuum Nodding Onion Elfin Thyme
Feverfew St Johnswort
Feverfew St Johnswort
Sweet William Peach Daylily
Sweet William Peach Daylily
Yellow Daylily Maroon Daylily
Yellow Daylily Orange Daylily
Orange Daylily  
Orange Daylily  

Late Summer

Japanese Anemone Echinops
Japanese Anemone Echniops
Echinacea Sea Statice
Echinacea Sea Statice
Red Hardy Fuchsia Pink Hardy Fuchsia
Red Hardy Fuchsia Pink Hardy Fuchsia
Hydrangea Liatris
Hydrangea Liatris

Early Fall

The weather cools pretty quickly in September and with that the fall blooming bulbs begin to put on their show.

Colchicum Water Lily Saffron Crocus
Colchicum Water Lily Saffron Crocus
Hardy Cyclamen hederifolium Sedum Autumn Joy
Cyclamen hederifolium Sedum Autumn Joy

The fall fruit harvest begins in early September too with Prima Apples, Bosc and Bartlett Pears and Yukuma and Shinsui Asian Pears.

Apple and Pear Harvest

October and November

Fall color begins when the nights start to get cold. If we have sunny days to do with it we can get glorious fall color.
Blueberries Smoke Tree (Cotinus)
Blueberry fall color Smoke Tree fall color
Japanese Maple Paperbark Maple
Japanese Maple fall color Paperbark Maple Fall color
Barberry Rose Glow  
Barberry Rose Glow  

The hardy cyclamen continue to bloom well into November most years.

Cyclamen hederifolium

In a good year with just the right conditions we also get tons of mushrooms all over the garden. I don't know their names but I enjoy them nevertheless.

Mushrooms Mushrooms
Mushroom Mushrooms
Mushrooms Mushrooms
Mushrooms Mushrooms
Mushrooms Mushroom

December and January

Aside from the hardy Cyclamen coum which in warm years may start blooming in January the garden is quiet in the winter. If we're very lucky the weather conditions will be perfect for a visit from Jack Frost who paints all the leaves with crystals on cold clear days.
blackberry with frost leaves with frost
Hinoki cypress with frost cinquefoil with frost
Bracken with frost Alder leaf with frsot
Sword fern with frost