First Judgment
What is First Judgment?
First Judgment is a tool to help explain:
- How you came to live in this reality
- Where your core beliefs came from
- How you formed your primary defense systems
- What your most prevalent life patterns are
- How to begin to release those beliefs, defense systems, and life patterns to experience more joy, freedom and peace in your life.
An Introduction to First Judgment
“Why are we here? What is life on earth about? And how did I get here? Are we here as a punishment? Is this a living heaven or hell or something in between? Were we sent here? And if so, why? At sometime in their lives, everyone asks these questions. First judgment is one way of answering them.
Once upon a time, long, long ago, before time began, you were an unlimited being. You were one with All That Is. You were capable of doing anything. You had the power to choose anything and to create anything you chose. You could see and experience all possible moments and all possible outcomes of all possible moments. Looking at all these possibilities you were drawn to this set of possibilities that we call reality, simply because it looked interesting or intriguing or entertaining. It was in fact a fascinating looking game—both as complex and as simple as the game of Go or Chess. There were an incredible number of potential opening moves and lots of twists and turns and a few very predictable events.
Somewhere along the way you would embrace judgment and decide you needed to separate from the All That Is. From then on you would pretend to be a separate entity and you would forget you were in fact still one with All That Is. And eventually after many lifetimes and lots of trials and tribulations, you would wake up, let go of judgment and end the game. Every other step in the game would be up to you. How it all came about, how long it would take, what you would experience along the way, would be up to you.
In the process of cozying up to judgment—you own set of individual moves that made judging possible—you would develop your own personal style and logic for playing the most intricate part of the game, being a judger. Built into that logic would be a flaw that would make being a judger easier than letting go of judgment. It would make judging and playing the game real. It would help you believe you were separate.
In preparation for embracing judgment you would slowly embrace a series of concepts and ideals that would make judging irresistible. Once you were sufficiently cozied up to judgment, some simple event would occur and you would judge yourself for something. The flaw in your logic would make that judgment not only possible but logical. You would decide you were wrong and bad. Then you would make the most fateful move of all, you would judge the judging itself as a mistake, trapping yourself in the game.
Wanting to prevent the All That Is from being wrong, you would make the “ultimate sacrifice” and decide that it would be best to be a separate entity thus saving the Isness from being wrong. Alone, disconnected and wrong you would have completed the most important and painful move in the game, embracing judgment and becoming separate.
You would construct all of you future moves based on your first judgment. You would design all of your future lifetimes with one of two purposes in mind. You would either construct a move (lifetime) to prove to yourself you were right in judging yourself to be wrong and bad in the first place thus proving to yourself over and over again you were bad and wrong at your core and in the process being punished for it. Or you would construct a move (lifetime) in an attempt to get another chance and do it right this time. Since it was the flaw in your logic and not actually your actions in the event that was the “problem” this would never work. You would always end up failing. Over time these two purposes would intertwine to produce the patterns you have in your life today.
Here lies the additional value of knowing about first judgment. It not only explains how you got here and why, it can help you unravel your most basic beliefs and patterns. It can help you see why you do what you do, why you react the way you do and why you seem driven to repeat extremely painful and often destructive patterns over and over again. And finally it can help you unravel the flaw in the logic that perpetuates the game. It can help to set you free.
Sara's First Judgment booklet helps gives a basic overview of first judgment and how it works.