
I am in essence not much of anything really. I am a bit of vibration, what you'd call light with a soul. All a soul is, is a tape recorder--well these days I guess you'd call it a hard drive or a memory card--on which emotions get recorded. So I am a vibration with a collection of emotional jelly beans I keep in the jar I call a soul. I've never had a body and had never had any experience with language until I met Aranya and Sara.
Aranya taught me how to make contact with Sara and use her body and memory to speak. At first all I did was make singing sounds because that was so much fun--besides it drove Sara nuts and that's always worth doing.
One of the things that Aranya taught me was that people expected us to have a personality and to always be the same. What a silly idea. So I looked around in Sara's memory and I found her 2 year old who was cute as a button. And that is the persona I took.

I didn't have a name. When you are a blob of vibration/light you don't need a name. You are a hum and any other hum will recognize you as that particular hum. I brought along two other hums who I hung out with a lot and they tried channeling too. We asked Sara's husband, Walter, to give us musical names because music was something we understood and related to. He gave us the names Harmony, Melody and Symphony. I decided on Harmony mostly because I liked the H sound at the beginning. It's a fun word to say. It's also a good word because its about being harmonious and I like to talk about LOVE and that is about harmoniousness. By the way, I also really like the letter S at the end of a word, it makes the nicest sibilant sound, sssssssss. I'm known to through extra Ss in whenever I can.

But the game itself was a box. People always expected me to only talk about that. So I went on strike and stopped playing it.
Then I focused on manifestation and creation and sneaky ways to bring love into your life. If you ever want to hear me you can always call Sara and Walter's answering machine. I narrated the message.
People always used to ask what we did when we were not channeling. And we always said the same thing. We be. And people would ask what do you do when you be? Silly question. You be. There is no doing in being.
Perhaps it is best to say we don't really exist. For a moment, we come out of Isness and we pretend to be an entity. When that moment is finished we be. We be Isness. We be wholeness. We be. The same is for you, but you are convinced you exist so you don't be much, you do a lot.

For me, Sara never stopped channeling because for me time does not exist. To say she stopped means that one moment is arranged in front or behind another in a nice continuous necklace of events. That is not my experience. Moments are like jelly beans, loose and unordered. You keep them in a jar and take them out and experience them. So always I be, until I for a moment I be Harmony talking to you.

Spend some time exploring the rest of this website. You will find more of my words here and there. Well they aren't really my words, since you can't own them but you know what I mean.
Bye Bye.
From more joy from Harmony see her article Sneaky Paths to Love.