
In the process of curtailing yourself into being an limited, tidy defined ego and personality you mind gets shrunk down to a tiny little thing. It is designed to hold only the thoughts that are socially acceptable in your time and in your group consciousness. The goal of ego in it's great desire to stay in control and to be RIGHT is to confine you to a limited set of beliefs that are tidy though usually quite insane and limited. How else can it assure itself that it is right but to agree with everyone else? That's what being right is, isn't it?
So my job is to show you that there is much more out there in the way of thoughts and ideas that what you lovely little mind wants to believe. Take the concept of the universe. You think that the universe that your scientists speak about hold everything, that there is nothing outside of it. That is not my experience. There are universes aplenty both within and without your universe. There are universes with many many more dimensions than your universe and in fact there are more dimensions in your universe than you perceive or understand. And yet your universe is just a smidgen of creation.

What is the mind of God. Does it reside in the brain of a big man with a beard sitting on a cloud? No. The mind of God has no substance. It is the Isness. It is the concept of being and yet it is less than that and more than that. It is the source of all things and yet there are in truth no things. I like to call it the Big Zero for no other reason than that's as close as i can get in your language and yet it does it explain it at all. Mind and no mind. Being and non-being. All in one. No beginning. No end. No substance. No nothing. Your concept of zero is about emptiness and that is based on an absence of something. And that is a limitation. Infinite nothing is perhaps closer but still we can not reach it with words.
Take everything that you can imagine in your universe and view it as if it were a bag of marbles. Then put that bag in a bigger bag of bags of marbles. Then find a bigger bag and add an infinite number of bags of bags of marbles and so on. And then realize that none of the bags are real, none of the substance is actually anything but space and vibration and not even that.

There are no facts. There are no truths. There are no great wisdoms and no great knowledge. There is beingness that one has no way of understanding or grasping and can only glimpse by being it.
So step out onto the rim of the world, find a great mountain, a cliff, the edge of the ocean where a broad expanse stretches out before you. Open your arms, open your heart, open your being and let all that huge space greet your, engulf you and do not ever stop. Let it swallow you whole and you it. Become big enough to hold everything and then you might understand you are nothing at all.