I am Hon Sone Lee and I live in 5th density. That is how I have always greeted you. It is a simple truth that means absolutely nothing to you really or to me for that matter. What is 5th density? It is a reality where there is space but no time. How can that be? For you it is truly an impossibility. You are trapped in the concept of time. There is no real time, there is only this moment of now. But for you there is a past and a future that stretches across millennia. For me there is only now, now, now. We few who live in 5th density see all your 'times' at the same time. It is a grand jumble of peoples and history all mixed together. That is of course if we desire to see you at all.
In fact, it is a game with us to watch you and to play what we call 7th density dress-up where we don the costumes of an age and mix and match for the fun of it. This is a joke, my friends in every sense of the word. We do know how to focus and we do know that all your crazy events are really just so many movies running all at the same 'time' which means not at all.
I have a physical body that is somewhat like yours but not so dense. It does not age, but that is only logical if time does not pass. It is a vehicle that can be taken up whenever I desire, in whatever form I desire. I am not trapped in the concept of really being Hon Sone Lee and do not hold myself to only one form or beingness--what you would call a personality or identity.

So why is 5th density different than your density, the one we call 7th? It is very simple. We do not judge. We do not hold on to a concept or belief and say it must be true and thus this other thing must be false. We do not say one thing is good and another is bad. We do not insist that we are separate from each other or from the Isness. We do not insist that we exist. And yet, we are dense enough to play at being in bodies, to play at being entities, to play at living a life on this wonderful planet you call earth. You see we share space with you. We live on this planet with you. Of course, our version of it has a lot more trees is some places and a lot fewer in others. We still have the great forests and we still have the great rolling prairies--unless of course we pick a moment when we don't.
I spent quite a bit of what you call time talking about this and about your lovely bodies. Working at helping you see that death, decline and disease are not necessary. Working to place into your minds the possibility that it is not a given that you can not heal yourselves, that you can not step out of time and just be. It was a bit of what you might call an uphill battle because you are so very convinced that time exists, that death exists, that all your aches and pains and diseases are real and important and life threatening. You spend so much of your lives in fear and trepidation, so much of your lives in worry about how you will die when all that is going to die is the moment. The body will always exist as it did when you were born and when you were 5 and when you were 10 and on and on. That moment can never end for it is only a thought and it either never really was or is always there waiting to be remembered and re-entered. And you who are not any more real that your body is can't die either. Somehow, not surprisingly mind you, you find this very difficult to fathom let alone swallow and actually live.

What would life be like if you did not have to worry about what was going to happen to you and your body? What if you didn't have to worry about getting hit by a truck, taken ill with cancer, growing old and becoming infirm? What if you could just live today fully and with excitement and joy? What if you could drink it all in now and have all of your attention focused here rather than on next week, next year or 20 years from now? What if you didn't have to protect yourself? Hmmmm? Can you imagine that? That is how I live. And so I have no need to have my body clear out toxins for there is nothing I separate from and say it may not live in my body. I do not have to fight off viruses and bacteria. They are me. I greet them. I make home for them. They come and go with joy. We live in peace. Can you imagine that? Living in peace all the way to the cellular level? Living with love of every thing and rejecting and resisting nothing? That is my life, now.
It is your choice, though you really don't believe it, how you live. You can live in fear of what will happen and what has happened or you can embrace each day and make love to each moment. One is to reject much of life and the other is a great salute to everything that is. Your choice!