Aranya and The Pixies Mastery in this Lifetime

Aranya and
The Pixies

Symphony channeled by Sara Schurr So...I am called Symphony. I am the third of the ones that were originally known as the Pixies and I promise you I will not steal your shoes. That is Harmony's job.

Symphony is a very appropriate name for me because I am most interested in the Big Picture and the interaction of large groups of beings such as stars and galaxies, the great symphony of the universes as it were.

To get an idea of my point of view you must step back from your daily concerns about yourself and your relationships; step back from the day to day concerns about your job, the economy or even world politics. Remove the clock from it all and you have what I am most interested in and it's a very Big Picture.

When Harmony and Melody first began to speak through Sara I was somewhat reticent about joining them in this endeavor. I am not particularly interested in helping human kind or even in the daily machinations of being human. And I was not sure I had anything to say.

Symphony channeled by Sara SchurrHarmony can be quite convincing even without words and so I gave it a go. It is an interesting experience to look out through the eyes of one such as Sara and to see this world and interact with it. There are some places on your planet that are most enjoyable. I popped in once when Sara and Walter were hiking at Capitol Reef National Park in Utah. Now that is a place! Big, wide, on a grand scale. Yes, my sort of place.

In your daily lives, even in your spiritual musings and wonderings you seldom think about how creation works. You may wonder if you are the only beings but do you wonder often what sort of entity the sun is? What kind of vibratory pattern the Milky Way, your galaxy has? Do you realize they all hum and sing together to make a grand and glorious Joyful Noise? They do. And it is beyond words and beyond telling in its beauty and its wonder.

I find it fascinating that beings once they are trapped in these little bodies become so tied to one planet, one place lifetime after lifetime. There is no reason for this really but you do it. Melody would tell you it is your desire to right the wrongs you think you did to other people and since they come back to this planet so do you. But why do they? The end reason is somewhat like, 'because that's what everyone does'. Amusing eh? And so you do not wander the universe living in all sorts of bodies on all sorts of planets instead out of habit and because you think it's the way it's done you come back here to earth over and over again.

White rhino grazingI have spent a great deal of time here with this planet. I was part of the creation committee for the White Rhino. An interesting beast, yes? It is a herbivore that is perfectly designed to protect itself and its young. It is tough but not aggressive. Kind and gentle--though things can get exciting during mating season with those horns! It is a great being but I am not attached to it or its future.

I enjoy planet earth but I do not feel bound to stay here. I explore the entire universe when I move out into creation. There is just so much there, so much variety, so much richness, so much complexity and simplicity. So what would your consciousness be like if you untied yourself from this little planet on the outer edge of a relatively small galaxy? How much are you willing to expand and how much are you willing to hold?

Symphony channeled by Sara SchurrSpend a moment and take your focus off of your lovely little body and your lovely little life and all its distractions and settle into yourself. Open you mind and let it travel out across the planet, out to hold all of it, every little grain of sand and drop of water, every plant and animal. Let your attention move out to hold all the space between here and the moon and then the moon itself. Can you do that? What does it do to your sense of self? What does it do to your sense of being? Now expand and hold all of your lovely solar system and it's lovely sun. How does that make you feel? How important is your 'identity' as a separate entity right now? Now expand out into the stars to hold the whole galaxy and then several galaxies. Can you even find your little self now?

Such a tiny little box, this identity you hold yourself to. And so unnecessarily. You do not have to be a little being in a body. You can be a star or a universe or all the universes. Why hold yourself to such a small standard? This is my question for you.

White rhino

Are you willing to expand to hold a rhino or would you be willing to get big enough to hold the entire universe?